This is common requirement to have workflow status Inquiry responsibility in PRODUCTION to monitor workflow items, especially useful for the IT Support Team for production issues. Workflow Administrator and Workflow User seeded responsibility are available, but these have some limitations and restrictions.
Workflows can be monitored using Workflow Administrator responsibility, but it has some additional functional access which is audit/security concern to assign the responsibility access to support teams in production. Secondly, Using Workflow Admin responsibility, It allows to Skip/Retry workflow activities and approving open notifications on behalf of the actual approver. Workflow User responsibility allows to monitor the workflow with inquiry access, but it allows to monitor the workflows owned by you only and doesn’t allow to monitor the other users workflows. For all these reasons, We need to have custom responsibility with read only access to monitor the workflows in production.
Please follow the below steps to create Workflow Status Inquiry responsibility.
1. Create “XXX Workflow Status Inquiry” menu with “Workflow Status Monitor” function as below using System Administrator/Application Developer responsibility

2. Create XXX Workflow Status Inquiry responsibility as below using System Administrator responsibility.

3. Assign the below function grant access to “XXX Workflow Status Inquiry” responsibility using Functional Administrator responsibility.
Responsibility: Functional Administrator
Navigation: Home
Tab page navigation -> Security(T) -> Grants(T)

Select “Create Grant” button to grant data security access.
Name: XXX Workflow Status Inquiry – Enable Workflows Owned by LOV
Description: XXX Workflow Status Inquiry – Enable Workflows Owned by LOV
Effective From: Defaults system date
Grant Type: All Users
Responsibility: XXX Workflow Status Inquiry
Object: Workflow Items

Select Next
Page 2:
Data Context Type: All Rows

Select Next
Page 3:
Set: Business workflow item permission set

Select Next
Page 4:

Select Finish.
4. Assign “XXX Workflow Status Inquiry” responsibility to the support user.
5. Login as support user and access XXX Workflow Status Inquiry responsibility.

You can see that support user can monitor all the workflows using the above screen, but he can’t perform any other action other than viewing the workflows.
Note: Observed that “Workflow Owned by” field won’t visible immediately upon granting the function access and responsibility assignment, but it will be visible after some time. Seems like caching issue and bouncing Apache & OC4J processes might help.