PO/Requisition Approval Limits Query

Purchase Order or Requisition approvals are setup based on the Employee-Supervisor hierarchy or position hierarchy. Most of the companies use employee-supervisor hierarchy which is easier to setup.

Approval Limits are assigned at the Job Level. The HR provides direction on the approval limits for each of the job, especially requisition approvals. Procurement decides approval limits for the PO approvals. Business has a requirement to change Requisition/Purchase Order approval limits constants due to organization changes or some other reasons like Mergers/accusations.

Here is the SQL to get the approval limits setup in Oracle EBS Procurement.

SELECT hou.name Operating_Unit,job.business_group_id, job.name “Job”, pcf.control_function_name, pcg.CONTROL_GROUP_NAME, pcr.amount_limit,
(SELECT currency_code FROM apps.gl_sets_of_books WHERE SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = hou.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID) func_currency –, paa.job_id, pcg.control_group_id
FROM po_position_controls_all paa, hr_operating_units hou, po_control_groups_all pcg, po_control_rules pcr, po_control_functions pcf, per_jobs job
WHERE paa.org_id = hou.organization_id
AND sysdate between paa.start_date and nvl(paa.end_date, sysdate+1)
AND paa.control_group_id = pcg.control_group_id
AND NVL(pcg.enabled_flag,’N’) = ‘Y’
AND pcr.control_group_id = pcg.control_group_id
AND pcr.object_code =’DOCUMENT_TOTAL’
AND paa.control_function_id = pcf.control_function_id
AND NVL(pcf.enabled_flag,’N’) = ‘Y’
AND paa.job_id = job.job_id
and paa.job_id = 44
— AND paa.creation_date >= ’01-JAN-2020′
— and paa.control_function_id = 8
and hou.name = ‘Vision Operations’
ORDER By 1,2,3,4
