Single Shipment to the Order – Deliver available quantity and cancel unshipped lines/quantities automatically

Order processing in certain scenarios requires to deliver available quantity and cancel the remaining quantity and unshipped lines instead of creating the back order. This is very common requirement from some customers to send a single shipment for their orders.

Currently there is no way to setup this in Oracle EBS R12.2.8 or prior versions, so customers are implementing custom solution/manually doing to cancel the unavailable quantity/lines for an order.

In release 12.2.9, users can ship only the available quantity and cancel the remaining quantity/line(s) of a sales order instead of creating a backorder. “Cancel Unshipped Lines” option is available for each customer account to identify those customers who do not accept back orders.

The option at the customer account level enables the new behavior for its all future orders. As there can be multiple ship-to sites for a given customer account, the option selected at account level will be applicable for all of its ship-to sites. Name of the new option is Cancel Unshipped Lines.

In Order Management, when a new order is created with a (sold-to) customer, Order Management will default the value of “Cancel Unshipped Lines” to a new checkbox “Cancel Unshipped Lines” on the order header using defaulting rules. You can change/override this value until any one line gets Picked.

After ship confirmation, once Interface Trip Stop process is complete, Order Management will update status of the fully/partially shipped lines as per current design and additionally cancel the remaining quantity/order lines based on value of “Cancel Unshipped Lines on the order.

Here are the setup ad process flow detailed steps to implement/test this functionality in Oracle EBS R12.2.9 environments.

  1. Customer Account Setup: Customer account screen -> Query the customer using customer name/customer account number e.g. customer name: ABC Application Software (Account# 2636)
  • View the customer account details -> Order Management (Tab)

-> Check “Cancel Unshipped Lines” option.

Save the changes.

2. Create Sales Order: Create Sales order for customer# ABC Application Software

Navigation: Order Management Resp -> Orders, Returns -> Sales Orders

  • Others (Tab)
  • Create Sales Order lines

For line 1.1, The Available quantity is 5 and line# 2.1, The available quantity is 0.

Book and Schedule the Sales order.

3. Run Pick Release process

Navigation: Order Management/Shipping Resp -> Shipping -> Release Sales Orders -> Release Sales Orders

  • Run Pick Release process. Enter Sales order=69416
  • Shipping (Tab)

Auto Create Delivery= yes and Auto Pick Confirm = Yes

  • Inventory (Tab)

Auto Allocate=yes

Click on “Concurrent” button. It runs Pick Selection process on the background and shows Pick Slip Report report from SRS window. The line# 1.1 will be partially picked.

4. Ship confirm the partially picked line(s)

Navigation: Order Management/Shipping Resp -> Shipping -> Transactions

  • Query the order

-> Find(B)

Only Line# 1.1 is partially picked. Skipping the packing step for this scenario

-> Delivery (Tab) -> Click on Ship confirm (B)


It runs “Interface Trip Stop” process if it is schedule. Otherwise run manually for the delivery.

5. Re-Query the Order

Navigation: Order Management Resp -> Orders, Returns -> Order Organizer

Query the Order

Now we see that the unfulfilled quantity/lines are cancelled after partial shipment.